Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prayer request

John seems to not be doing very well lately. He still takes care of the kids and works and such, in essence he still has everyone fooled, but he is not doing very well.

He has been reporting more and more pain in his joints, swelling, numbness, etc. He even went swimming thinking that maybe some non-impact exericse may help, and instead it made him hurt worse. He's such a trooper but the reality is that he seems to be at this plateau where nothing's getting worse but nothing's getting better. I know that such is the reality of living with chronic illness, and yet still i find myself digging my heels in, unwilling to accept that.

He is just finishing a 7 system organ cleanse and will begin the parasite cleanse this week. The naturopath told him that he has gone as far as he can go without addressing the parasite infestation. So i'm hoping that that helps.

I am also pretty positive that God can do all things and hold tight to the power of prayer. I'm asking that you please throw one or two, or 50, up for john. He is struggling right now.

So i went back and re-read what i wrote. I said it's not getting worse but not getting better. That is not true. It is getting worse. There is definite movement backwards. Now, as i type that, it dawns on me that john has been eating like crap lately. So, let's tag team him shall we? I am proposing that while you bombard him with prayer, i will bombard him with nutritional information. i am at a loss as to what else to do when nutrition really could be the culprit here. but, after thinking about it, i have to say in his defense that i've been slacking too. so, i will try to move forward by example instead of words. i will bombard him with good role modeling and positive support. after all, no one likes the food police.

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