Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dear Mr. LaLane

i'm writing to tell you how wonderful your juicer is.

when i juice i feel better, my complexion rocks, and i sleep better. when i juice i have more energy, feel healthier, am in a better mood and do not have cravings. when i juice i have a happy digestive system and am amazed at the clarity in the whites of my eyes. when i juice my clothes fit better, my thoughts are more sharp, and my hair glistens. when i juice, i am simply a better person.

but ooooh Mr. LaLane, you did not warn me, in your handy dandy little accompanying booklet, that when i juice, i will be in the poor house because it is SO FREAKIN' EXPENSIVE. nor did you warn me that if i do not wash said juicer immediately upon completion of happy juicing experience, the pulp WILL STICK AS IF CEMENTED to the various juicer parts.

Oh Mr. LaLane, why is being healthy such work?


Anonymous said...

We have a juicer too. Very expensive....
Just wanted to say hello and I'm still praying for you guys.

Unknown said...

at first you got me really excited about a juicer and i was going to totally add it to the wedding registry AND then i read paragraph #2 and now it scares me. good for you for being are always in my thoughts!