i am finally starting to get better. almost 3 weeks. geesh. tests for everything under the sun all came back negative. i have 2 more tests i'm getting results on tomorrow and then i'm cleared to go back to work provided the fever stays down. i've been so sick i did not even have the gumption to blog anything. luckily, john stayed well and there was not much vasculitis blogging to do anyway.
he has been mentioning some odd sensations but i think while i've been sick he's been keeping symptoms to himself. i catch him grimicing sometimes when he thinks he's alone or i'm not looking. he's been drinking soda again which is c-r-a-z-y bad. we shall be addressing that shortly. for the next few days though, i still don't have much fight in me.
we go back to the naturopath in november. usually when i mention that he gets his act in gear. i'll wait until i have a little more spunk and then i'll casually mention it.
he says he wants to go play basketball with they guys tonight. he has said that for a few weeks and then not gone. tonight he admitted to me that "the last time i went and played basketball with the guys i woke up with vasculitis".
i said, "you realize that basketball didn't cause the vasculitis, right?".
he said, "yes. ..... (long pause) ... no. i don't."
"basketball doesn't cause vasculitis, babe."
"i know, but physically intense activity can bring it on, so in the back of my mind that keeps coming up."
ok, i have to respect his fears. it takes courage to face your fears. he has a ton of both (courage and fear). he may or may not go tonight, but i know that eventually he will. he is strong. i admire that about him.
thanks for caring.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
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